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Picket: "Do not underestimate the electoral power of the Frente de Todos"

Beginning the election year, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, leader of Together for Change (JxC), pointed out the importance of Kirchnerism at the polls and referred to a possible candidacy of the former president.

“At some point the Frente de Todos is going to have a candidate. Do not underestimate the electoral power they still have,” he said. In addition, the former senator maintained that “they have great economic control over the social structure, over reaching the popular sectors.”

Likewise, Pichetto assured in dialogue with Radio Rivadavia that “the formula with Mauricio Macri has great power” and recalled that “it has had 41% of the votes in Argentina and we have continued to be active and working all this time.”

On the other hand, the General Auditor of the Nation was consulted about Pope Francis’ criticism of Argentina’s economic policy and left a forceful response. “Welcome Pope Francis to the real world. Also putting distance from the Government, which he knows is disastrous and which also drags down the local Church, which has been experiencing great silence,” he concluded.

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