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Pierre Palmade accident: the lawyer for the second passenger claims that his client "did not flee"

Me Olivier Ang, lawyer for the second passenger, answered questions from BFMTV after his client was placed under the status of assisted witness.

“He did everything he could within his means.” Me Olivier Ang, lawyer for one of the passengers aboard Pierre Palmade’s car during his accident on February 10, testified on BFMTV while his client was placed under the status of assisted witness this Friday evening.

The second passenger, aged 34, presents “a completely normal profile” according to his lawyer: “he has a job and no particular difficulties”. Maintaining a “friendly relationship” with the actor, he was conscious at the time of the accident which occurred last Friday.

“He is lucky not to have been injured,” said Olivier Ang, adding that he too was “victim” of this accident.

“He did not commit an offence”

Wanted for several days by the police, the two passengers were finally taken into custody on Wednesday before being both placed under the status of assisted witness on Friday evening.

“Are you responsible for the accident when you are not driving? No, so you have the right to leave”, explained Me Olivier Ang to defend his client, specifying that people “from the medical profession” showed up and helped the victims of the accident.

“I don’t see what more my client could have done […] He is not a doctor,” added the lawyer for the second passenger. “He did not flee and did not commit an ‘offence’.

“He didn’t understand what happened, there wasn’t an event that led to anything […] suggesting that the accident has a particular cause”, he added on our antenna.

“He took refuge alone”

Me Olivier Ang, who also assured on our antenna that his client did not consume cocaine before the accident on Friday, gave explanations on the choice of his client not to go immediately to the gendarmes.

“The media hype scared him a little […] He was afraid that the judicial machine would get carried away, he was a little flabbergasted by the situation”, declared the lawyer on BFMTV.

“He took refuge alone and then he got in touch with his relatives who made the decision to call me and make an appointment”, continued Me Olivier Ang, who affirms that his client is “very shocked by the consequences” of the accident and think first of all of the victims.

Pierre Palmade was indicted for manslaughter and involuntary injuries this Friday and assigned to the addiction service of the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif.

Hugues Garnier BFMTV journalist

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