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Pierre Palmade escapes pre-trial detention

The actor, responsible a week ago for a dramatic accident while under the influence of narcotics, was placed under judicial supervision with an electronic bracelet. The prosecution, which had requested his detention, can appeal.

Permanent envoy to Paris

IHe was full of talent. He made France laugh. The public was all the more attached to him as they knew him to be fragile, flayed alive. But Pierre Palmade will never again be this sad clown with whom his fans loved to share self-mockery.

Printed in the retinas, the images will no longer be those of the boards where he excelled in his “alone-on-stage”. These will now be those taken this Friday from the Melun court before his placement under judicial supervision, with an electronic bracelet. And those, of course, seized a week earlier on a Seine-et-Marne departmental road where the carcasses of a Peugeot 3008 and a Renault Mégane, crushed like ordinary balls of paper, suggested the violence of the impact .

After 48 hours in police custody at Melun hospital, the 54-year-old comedian was brought this Friday noon before an examining magistrate who had indicted him for homicide and involuntary injuries. In the process, the judge of freedom and detention, at the end of a hearing in camera, notified him of his decision: a placement under judicial supervision. A suprise. The prosecution, which had requested pre-trial detention and can now appeal, had also considered that he was in a state of recidivism, after already being convicted in 2019 in a narcotics case.

A fetal autopsy

The two passengers of Pierre Palmade, aged 33 and 34, who had fled after the accident, were placed under the more favorable status of assisted witnesses. Justice considered that there were not enough serious and concordant indications to put them in examination for non-assistance to people in danger.

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After consuming cocaine but also synthetic drugs, Pierre Palmade took his vehicle last Friday with the two men. The trio had left the old farmhouse of Cély-en-Bière that the actor had acquired a few years ago to flee the capital and its demons. He had gone to a supermarket to bring something to eat in the house after having locked himself there since the day before.

For some unknown reason, the car had suddenly swerved on a straight line. To the point of deporting to the left lane and colliding head-on with the vehicle which was coming in front. On board, a 38-year-old man, operated for half a dozen times and still in critical condition. Her 6-year-old son, awakened from an artificial coma, with a disfigured face and a fractured jaw. And her 27-year-old sister-in-law, six months pregnant. She had lost the baby she was carrying. After an emergency caesarean section, the doctors could not save him. But the prosecution considered that the fetus was viable. It is for this reason that he had opened a judicial investigation not only for “involuntary injuries” but also for “manslaughter”. French justice does not grant legal personality to the fetus, the baby must have breathed at least a few seconds outside the body of its mother for this qualification to be retained. An autopsy, however, did not formally establish it. Other elements of expertise were ordered.

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“Few Memories”

During his police custody, Pierre Palmade explained to the investigators that he had practically no memory of the accident. A statement from his sister had described his state of mind on Tuesday. “He is devastated, he is ashamed. The idea of ​​having destroyed the life of this family devastates him. As vain as it may seem, Peter asks their forgiveness”.

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