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Pilea Peperomioides, the indoor plant that attracts money and good luck: how to care for it

The Pilea peperomioides It is one of the oldest plants, which is said to attract fortune and prosperity. Its care is relatively simple: it only needs indirect sunlight, regular watering and a normal temperature that should never drop below 10 degrees Celsius. Despite its name, it is not only native to China, but is kept in homes all over the world to attract good luck and money.

Characteristics of Pilea Peperomioides

It is also known as the money plant and missionary plant; It is from the interior, from the Urticáceas family, native to the southwest of China. It can be grown indoors and stands out for its round leaves, stems and stalks with a very characteristic labyrinthine pattern, in bright green tones.

Benefits of growing Pilea Peperomioides

Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but it has many benefits as a houseplant. According to feng shui, its leaves are said to represent the five elements: earth, water, fire, wood, and metal, and bring harmony and luck to the home. In addition, it is believed that it helps to absorb positive energy like a lightning rod. Aesthetically speaking, it is quite versatile: it can be placed in hanging baskets, pots or pedestals to enhance the overall look of the house.

How to care for Pilea Peperomioides

To do so, some key points must be taken into account. Unlike many others, the Pilea peperomioides it requires indirect sunlight, so be sure to place it in an area where it will receive an adequate amount. Also, it must have a constant temperature of between 15 and 21 degrees to thrive.
The Pilea peperomioides it is known for its rapid growth, so regular watering is essential for its sustenance. Give regularly, ensuring that the earth does not dry out or get too wet. It is even recommended to fertilize it from time to time with a normal fertilizer for diluted indoor plants, so that it receives the nutrients it needs.

Reproduction of Pilea Peperomioides

It can be easily reproduced by stem cuttings or cuttings. For stem cuttings, make sure the stem has at least 4 leaves. Cut it just below a node and place it in potting soil. The cuttings should be in indirect sunlight, gifts regularly to stimulate the growth of the root system.

Also, you can play your Pilea peperomioides by cuttings, which usually appear as small plants that emerge from the ground or from the base of the plant. Carefully remove the new plant from the main one and replant it in a new pot.

In short, the Pilea peperomioides It is a beautiful and vibrant houseplant, known to bring prosperity, good luck and harmony to any home. It is easy to care for and can be easily propagated by cuttings or scions. Keep it in an area with indirect sunlight and be sure to water it regularly and fertilize it occasionally to keep it healthy and vibrant.

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