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Pirelli Benestad will take legal action against the state: – The lawyer has been activated

In November last year, God kveld Norge was able to report that the Norwegian Health Authority had sent a notice to Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (73), where it was announced that she could be stripped of her authorization as a doctor.

At the beginning of February this year, the news came that the decision had been made, and Pirelli Benestad would lose the right to practice as a doctor.

– I am completely exhausted now. I don’t think I’ll be able to say anything reasonable until tomorrow, other than that I’m deeply worried about how things will go for all those who depend on me, Benestad wrote in a message to Good Evening Norway the same day.

Even before the decision was made, Pirelli Benestad announced that it would appeal the decision if this was the outcome.

– Court proceedings will be the next step

The complaint has now already been written and submitted, and Pirelli Benestad can also say that lawyers are on the case.

– The lawyer is activated. I would be a bad person if I didn’t take action. This is about lives, and about lives that are at stake, he says.

Hen says that the complaint that has been submitted in connection with the Health Authority’s decision will go on to the state apparatus, but that it may take time. That is why he is now also taking further measures.

– Both I and my lawyer think that the basis for making this decision is weak. The Norwegian Health Authority says, among other things, that I lack professional competence, which I think is quite well said.

In the decision from the National Health Inspectorate, it is stated, among other things, that “We have come to the conclusion that you are unfit to exercise your profession responsibly due to a “significant lack of professional insight”, “irresponsible activity” and “significant breaches of duty”.

– This could end up in a district court. Where and when it will be, I don’t know, says Pirelli Benestad.

Good evening Norway has been in contact with the Norwegian Health Authority, who say they cannot comment on an ongoing complaint.

The dialogue lawyers, who are assisting Pirelli Benestad in the case, have now submitted a claim to the Norwegian Health Authority.

– An appeal has now been submitted against the decision, and at the same time a demand has been submitted for the decision to have its implementation postponed. The administration, i.e. the Norwegian Health Authority, can approve the postponement of implementation. If they refuse it, then legal proceedings will be the next step, where we will then consider going to court to demand a temporary injunction, says lawyer Tor Sverre Fuglestein.

– We believe it is an incorrect decision. That it is based on a wrong understanding of the law and incorrect facts, he says.

International support

Before and after the decision was made, several certificates from professionals from various parts of the world were submitted in support of Pirelli Benestad.

Among these is the worldwide organization WAS (World Association for Sexual Health).

“We, as CEOs of WAS, join the many voices of healthcare professionals and patient organizations who have spoken out against what appears to be an unfair treatment of Dr. Pirelli Benestad. This decision will undoubtedly be very damaging to the many patients who continue to seek care and support from him,” writes the organization in its statement of support for Pirelli Benestad.

Pirelli Benestad is itself a member of WAS, and the organization writes that they have long been impressed by the work they have done over so many years.

She has worked as a doctor for 37 years, and has specialized in patients with gender incongruence, meaning that you do not experience having the same gender as you were born into.

Pirelli Benestad states that he had already started the process of transferring patients to GPs before this case started, as a result of his plans to retire around the age of 75. He turns 74 in May this year.

– For me personally, this is going well. I am very afraid of my clients, as I have been all along. I try to get patients handed over, but the GPs are understandably terrified. The ripple effects here are quite large. The offer for people with gender incongruence has been very poor and much complained about. What does this make the population feel…It gives a greater experience of being “wrong”.

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