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Pita Corral, former candidate for the municipal presidency of Silao, Guanajuato, is murdered

Assassinations of politicians: Something that in other countries would be a reason to mount monumental investigations and that nothing move on the electoral issue until those responsible are found… but that in Mexico it happens shot by trip. A few days ago it happened in Veracruz, now in Silao, Guanajuato, with the former mayoral candidate, Pita Corral.

As is customary on the part of the Guanajuato authorities in this type of case (it is not the first time that it has happened), So far no official information has been provided. So the confirmation of the murder of the former candidate of the Green Party for mayor of Silao has been made based on reports disseminated in different media.

In accordance with Process, Pita Corral was assassinated yesterday, March 26, while sI was in the main garden of Silao, where she also served as councilor. According to the first versions, she was attacked by two armed subjects who arrived aboard a motorcycle.

Pita Corral ran for mayor of Silao in 2018 / Photo: facebook/ Let’s all go with Pita Corral

At the time of the attack against her, Pita Corral was talking with a municipal police officer from Silao. However, it seems that he could do nothing to prevent the events and not to arrest those responsible. The most he could do was request medical services.

The ex-councilor and ex-candidate was transferred to the regional hospital of Silao, Guanajuato and, there, according to reports, he lost his life. He would have arrived with a serious wound, the result of the bullet impact on his face.

In 2022, Pita Corral’s brother was assassinated. He was a member of the State Prosecutor’s Office / oto: facebook / With Pita Corral let’s all go

The state leader of the Green Party in Guanajuato, Sergio Contreras, lamented the murder of Pita Corral and, as it has also become a protocol every time this type of unfortunate event occurs, he demanded that the authorities clarify the crime.

Pita Corral was a councilor for Silao and ran for mayor with the Green Party. His brother, Juan Carlos Corral, worked within the Guanajuato Attorney General’s Office and was murdered in April last year.after participating in operations that reduced criminal groups operating in the state.

Pita Corral ran for mayor of Silao in 2018 / Photo: facebook/ Let’s all go with Pita Corral

Until now It is unknown if the former candidate received previous threats or if there is any line of investigation of the case that links the murder with his political work.

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