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Pitu Salvatierra was moved to tears when he remembered Hebe de Bonafini

“I think this 24 is Hebe de Bonafini’s 24,” said Pitu Salvatierra, when asking to speak, within the framework of a special program that was held in Duro de Domar to commemorate Memorial Day.

The neighborhood leader and part of the panel of the program led by Pablo Duggan, said that “in 2001 I lost my freedom and I got it back in 2008 with the sole conviction of not returning to jail.”

“I started looking for a job, eight months looking for a job. My wife worked in family homes cleaning and left me fifteen pesos every day: with that I traveled, bought the newspaper, looked for a job,” he continued.

One day he got tired of not being successful with the search and thought about going out and stealing. Until she received a call: “She was a person who worked for Shared Dreams and found out that she was looking for a job… Come tomorrow and I’ll introduce you to Hebe,” she said.

And then he expanded, with tears in his eyes. “After two months I had a document, my children had a birth certificate, I had a salary receipt for the first time in my life. I was able to buy a television on credit. I got to know a world that I would never have known if it weren’t for Hebe.”

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