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Planned murder charge postponed – time pressure at the county prosecutor’s office

Charges are now planned for January 10 instead.

– It is not about any new evidence being added to the case. The reason is that I have had to take on another case, and therefore have not had time to prepare for the prosecution, explains prosecutor Lena-Marie Bergström.

The decision has to do with lack of time:

– With holidays and other things, I had to jump in and arrest someone for human smuggling. Then there wasn’t enough time.

Suspect arrested in Lund

It was on April 13 last year that the police and ambulance were called to the Riggens parking garage in Karlshamn.

The person who raised the alarm was Herman Nilica, but when the police arrived at the scene, he was already dead. A bullet had punctured his lung and he had lost large amounts of blood.

A man in his 20s was arrested later that evening at the train station in Lund, suspected of the murder, and has been in custody since mid-April.

Drug-related settlement

The background to the shooting death was first assumed to be a drug-related settlement, but the investigation later showed that the lead-up to the meeting concerned a conflict over a mutual female acquaintance.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge has previously told that Herman Nilica was addicted to Oxycontin.

According to the prosecutor, the two men had called a meeting in the garage, where both came armed. Herman Nilica with a machete knife and a knife, and the suspect with a firearm.

A weapon of interest in the investigation was found in connection with another operation, but the analysis at the National Forensic Center (NFC) is not yet complete.

Denies crime

Bergström has previously told SVT Nyheter Blekinge that overall there is enough evidence to prosecute the suspect.

– Overall, the state of evidence is good, that is my assessment. There are no witnesses to the act itself, but there are other testimonies that prove what happened and which means that the suspect is still in custody on probable cause.

The suspect admits that he was at the scene, but believes that the victim first attacked – and denies any crime.

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Gerold and Maria Nilica fought for several years to help their son Herman, 23, from his oxycontin addiction. In April 2022, he was shot to death in a parking garage in central Karlshamn. Photo: SVT/Cajsa Bengtsson
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