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Plants that relieve painful cramps

The crampswhich are spasmodic and usually painful contractions of one or more musclesThey are very annoying and painful, so much so that it is best if we can avoid them or at least reduce them, even prevent them.

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The cramps Muscles occur when a muscle it contracts or tensions in an involuntary way, without our proposing it, that is to say, in an involuntary way. The muscle tense and does not relax, and that causes pain and even fear because the cramps They appear unexpectedly.

Usually the cramps They are related to the loss of fluids and minerals (potassium, magnesium and calcium), due to vomiting and diarrhea.

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Before these annoying crampswhich are of various types, we offer some alternatives with plants.

Let’s see what to do before cramps gastric, intestinal and menstrual.

gastric cramps

Before the cramps gastric an infusion of Angelica is good. You have to boil 30 grams of Angelica root in half a liter of water.

Let it rest for around 25 minutes. Take 3 cups a day and you will see how that favors your gastric health.

intestinal cramps

Those cramps Intestinal cramps, which make one wince in pain, are combated with an infusion of wild fennel and valerian.

Fennel. Photo Stock.

You have to put 15 grams of fennel and 15 grams of valerian in half a liter of water.

Let it rest for 5 minutes, Drink three cups a day and you will see the almost immediate effects.

menstrual cramps

The cramps menstrual periods are soothed with an infusion of thyme. In a cup of boiling water you have to put 1 teaspoon of thyme. Let it rest for 5 minutes and sweeten it with orange blossom honey.

various cramps

A poultice of flax and chamomile will also be very useful.

The infusion of valerian taken before sleeping helps to relax the muscles. In a cup of boiling water put a small spoonful of valerian. Let stand for 5 minutes. Sweeten with orange blossom honey.

Chamomile. Photo: Stock.

consult the doctor

In all the mentioned cases, the advice for the use of plants never replaces the medical consultations. An unbearable gastric, intestinal or menstrual pain warrants going to the doctor to determine if it is a condition that requires more detailed and timely treatment.


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