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PlayStation 5 sales triple in Europe, while Xbox drops

PlayStation 5 sales tripled in the European market in January 2023, compared to the same period last year, thanks to the arrival of new console stocks.

At the start of 2023, the PlayStation 5 is on the rise in Europe. For good reason, on the Old Continent, sales of Sony’s new generation console increased by 202% in January 2023 compared to the same period last year, reported on February 13, Christopher Dring, responsible from

Concretely, 493,000 machines stamped PS5 were sold in Europe during the first month of the year. The Japanese machine is ahead of the Nintendo Switch, which saw its sales decrease by 11%. For its part, the Xbox Series S | X sees its figures drop by 32% over one year.

This dynamic is also palpable in the United Kingdom, where PlayStation 5 sales have literally doubled (+98%) compared to January 2022. A positive balance sheet, well helped by sales of packs including the console and the game God of War: Ragnarok which, across the Channel, represented 55% of the volume of consoles sold in January 2023.

Consoles (finally) available

This revival of commercial form is no coincidence. The year 2022 has been marked by the scarcity of PS5s available for sale due to the shortage of semiconductors. However, at the start of the year, PS5 stocks have increased in stores and online stores. A factor which, associated with a still strong demand, propels the Sony console.

The Japanese company also intends to mark the occasion by launching a new marketing campaign intended to inform the whole world that its console is now available in sufficient quantity to meet demand.

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