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PlayStation chiude PixelOpus: the communication from Sony does not chiarisce the future of the dependents

This will be the news of the Chiusura di PixelOpus, a small subsidiary of PlayStation Studios founded in 2014 in San Mateo, California. The team, after having completed games like Entwined and Concrete Genie, will cease their activities in less than a month, with 2 gigs due to precision, but the fate of their dependents is not yet noticed.

At the moment I do not notice the future of circa 15-20 depending on what I am studying. In the parrot message di addio, hanno solo confirmed di essere “there near the new future”among a wealth of chiarimenti from IGN USA Sony has preferred to concentrate on his motivation that he hasn’t turned to the studio, the operation, as much as he can, non rientrava più tra gli obiettivi a breve e longo termi della compagnia.

The explanation of Sony is the following: “PlayStation Studios regularly evaluates its own portfolio and the status of projects of its own studies to ensure that the rispettino gli obiettivi strategici shortly and long after the organization ends. As part of a recent review process, it has been decided that PixelOpus will be 2 gigo “.

PixelOpus is working on its exclusive for PlayStation 5 with Help from Unreal Engine 5 and with Supported by Sony Pictures Animation. A synergy that promises grandiose, but how many parents have not given and hopefully frutti giungendo al capolinea. Il canto del cigno dello studio californiano rimarrà dunque il piccolo ma delizioso Concrete Genie, con il quale, a detta dello sviluppatore Bob Archibald, il team “Has reso il mundo un posto slightly migliore”.

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