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PlayStation Store busts the price of the best anime game at 60% off with one condition

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is one of the best video games in the anime world and on the PlayStation Store it is currently at its lowest price for PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Unfortunately, PlayStation Store Days of Play is over, so its awesome promotions are currently inaccessible. However, this does not mean that Sony’s digital store will put aside the great offers of PS5 and PS4 games, which is why two new windows have been launched through which you can get great games like the game most similar to Pokémon from PS5 and PS4. Now, on the contrary, what we bring you is the best game related to the world of anime.

Of course, it is about Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the video game in RPG format that follows the adventures of Goku and company during the Dragon Ball Z saga with elements never seen before in any video game installment based on the work of Akira Toriyama. Now, thanks to the PlayStation Store November sales, you can get it for only 27.99 euroswhich represents a tremendous reduction of the 60% discount compared to its usual price in the digital store, although you will have to be subscribed to playstation plus to be able to access this promotion of double discounts, allowing you save a total of 42 euros. The promotion will be active until the next June 22nd.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for PS5/PS4 for €27.99

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, an RPG bestiality for anime lovers

Bardock will join Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot through a new DLC

With Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Bandai Namco and Arc System Works managed to create the perfect union of two worlds: RPG and anime. “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is Goku’s best RPG, and it’s not the first to venture into this genre. It offers the biggest world, allows you to relive all of Dragon Ball Z from different points of view, and is full of winks and reasons for which any fan would explore it to the last inch”, sentenced in our analysis of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for PS5/PS4 for €27.99

So, if you are one of those loyal fans of Dragon Ball who has not yet had the chance to get this great game, do not miss the opportunity that PlayStation Store offers you until June 22: only 27.99 euros.

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