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PlayStation Stray temporary exclusive listed on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Released in July 2022 on PS4, PS5 and PC, Stray has captured the hearts of many gamers and may soon appeal to a new audience.

Stray listed on Xbox

We know it since last June, Stray is a temporary exclusive, and there is therefore a good chance that it will be released on Xbox.

Today the
the games classification body, lists the title on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, which suggests that it is about to land on Microsoft’s consoles soon.

Note, however, that it has happened that the ESRB lists games on different platforms, which are ultimately never released. We will therefore have to wait for the official announcement from the studio or its publisher before rejoicing.

As a reminder, Stray is a rather original title since it proposes to embody a cat in a 3rd person action-adventure game taking place in a cyberpunk universe. Its realization is ultra-neat and it was obviously very appreciated by the players and the press since it has a note of 83 on the Metacritic site.

If you don’t know the game, you can find below the trailer released in 2022 by Annapurna Interactive on the occasion of its launch.

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