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PlayStation VR2 needs big games and big brands if it’s going to be successful over the long term

Sony’s PlayStation VR2 has been available since February 2023, the first months on the market and thus the launch period are over. How satisfied are you with your new purchase if you got PSVR2? And if not: Has your interest increased in the meantime or are you rather less interested?

There are some games in development for PSVR2, but I don’t see any at the moment the big system sellers approach us. Sure, games like No Man’s Sky and Gran Turismo 7 are well implemented, but nothing that will inspire long-term alone. What I believe will ensure the success of the VR headset is a healthy mix of selected adapted games (give me a PSVR2 update for Star Wars Squadrons!), new developments and spin-offs (such as Horizon Call of the Mountain) and indie or third-party support.

Star Wars Squadrons in PSVR2 would be a dream.

All the more disappointing was the recent news that Electronic Arts’ and Codemasters’ F1 23 will not be expanded to include PlayStation VR2 in terms of VR support. It is reserved for the PC. It may be that this will change in the next few years, but support for PSVR2 this year would have been an important signal.

The hardware will definitely not be the deciding factor in PlayStation VR2. Sony has put together a good package, but in the end it all comes down to the software. I remember feeling disappointed when Sony quickly dropped first-party support for the PS Vita. With that in mind, I hope that if PlayStation VR2 isn’t as successful as hoped, it won’t be so quick to throw in the towel. Especially when you consider the price of the device.

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All the more I would like to see a certain kind of future perspective for PSVR2 from Sony itself. Even if it might take another two years: Announce first-party games for the headset! And not just two or three pieces. Games that demonstrate the technical capabilities of the device, but are ultimately more than just a showcase. It’s what we need to reassure us that our investment was worth it. Maybe the big PlayStation Showcase, which is supposed to be coming soon, will bring us a little more clarity.

In any case, PSVR2 is currently in a small gap between the big launch with the first big titles and what is to come in the future. Sony should be careful not to make this hole too big because I like PSVR2 and would like to enjoy special experiences with it for a few more years.

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