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PODCAST. Faced with the labor shortage, the"chosen immigration" in question

In this new episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon analyzes French and German “chosen immigration” policies from an economic angle with Philippine Robert, from the Economy department of L’Express, Christophe Bourdoiseau, correspondent in Berlin, and Marilyne Poulain, former member of the confederal leadership of the CGT and figurehead of the struggle for migrant workers.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to La Loupe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict and Amazon Music.

The team: Xavier Yvon (presentation), Margaux Lannuzel (writing), Charlotte Baris (editing) and Jules Krot (directing).

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Philippe Lopez/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

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Philippine Robert: Hi Xavier, can I come home?

Xavier Yvon: Hi Filipina! Yes of course, come!

Philippine Robert: Hey, I’m working on a subject, here I’m unearthing a lot of figures… And I thought to myself that it might be of interest to you, but I was wondering: you make formats that are a bit “fact- checking”?

Xavier Yvon: Absolutely ! We even have a tool for that, the La Loupe checker… It’s true that we haven’t used it for a long time, but it’s stored there, in the cupboard… What’s your subject?

Philippine Robert: What is called “chosen” immigration, with the new type of residence permit that France is preparing for sectors that lack arms…

But treated through an economic prism, does it really have an impact on public finances or wages, for example…

Xavier Yvon: Ah yes, it is indeed interesting!

Philippine Robert: And you could also call Christophe Bourdoiseau in Germany, to talk about the very ambitious law that is being prepared there… The atmosphere is completely different, they do everything to convince qualified foreigners to come…

Xavier Yvon: That looks like an episode plan… Thank you Philippine!

Philippine Robert: Does that mean you’re buying the idea?

Xavier Yvon: Of course I buy! And maybe I’ll even use the conversation we just had…

For further

PODCAST. “With pensions and immigration, Macron is playing his second five-year term”

Germany is preparing the most liberal migration law in Europe

Immigration law: satisfying opposition without dividing its own, the challenge of the government


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