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PODCAST. How Microsoft is helping Ukraine deal with cyberattacks

In this episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon and Frédéric Filloux, senior reporter for L’Express and Tech specialist, explain to us the role of the American giant with Ukraine to deal with multiple Russian cyberattacks against its infrastructure.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to La Loupe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict and Amazon Music.

The team: Charlotte Baris (writing), Xavier Yvon (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (editing) and Jules Krot (directing).

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent


Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

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Frederic Filloux: Excuse me Xavier, am I bothering you?

Xavier Yvon: Not at all Frédéric, please come in. Move in !

Frederic Filloux: No need, thank you, I was just going to tell you that I’m leaving tomorrow for the United States… I’m going to Seattle at Microsoft and I think I’ll learn things there that might interest you for an episode of La Loupe

Xavier Yvon: Oh yes ? Are you going there to discover a new Artificial Intelligence software? Or talk about the challenges of tech at the moment?

Frederic Filloux: Not at all… I’m going there to speak Ukraine!

Xavier Yvon: Uh ok… there you have to explain to me.

Frederic Filloux: In October, I interviewed a former Israeli cyber spy. And during the conversation, he told me about the transformation of cyberattacks, relations between states and private companies, and above all he said to me: “you should look at Microsoft and Ukraine”…

This little sentence, you can imagine, that she challenged me, so I contacted Microsoft. And in addition to agreeing to talk about it, they told me outright to come to the headquarters, meet the person who manages the protection of Ukraine and part of his team.

Xavier Yvon: Oh yes. I immediately note this subject in our list of next podcasts, and then when you return you come to the studio to tell us all about it?

Frederic Filloux: With pleasure !

Xavier Yvon: Have a good trip !

For further

PODCAST. How France is preparing to face Russian cyberattacks

PODCAST. From the war in Ukraine to phishing your email, the 1000 possibilities of Osint

War in Ukraine: How Microsoft intends to continue its aid for kyiv

EXCLUSIVE. Bill Gates: ‘Conspiracy theories about me are laughable’

Microsoft and Apple: the stock market comeback of the stars of the 80s


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