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Point to the Court: the trial request, underway

The members of the supreme court, in the sights of the Government. The request for impeachment against the judges is already in Deputies / Web

The project to initiate the impeachment of the four members of the Supreme Court of Justice promoted by President Alberto Fernández and eleven governors formally entered the Chamber of Deputies yesterday, along with the arguments of the prosecution and different alternatives to advance the investigation. , including proposals for the summons of various witnesses, collection of evidence and requests for reports from different agencies. Thus, the possibility of requesting the intervention of the Office of Judicial Assistance in Complex Crimes and Organized Crime to “establish incoming and outgoing calls from telephone lines” remains open.

The Congressional Budget Office will also be asked to estimate the impact of the Court’s ruling on national resources.

The initiative, presented in the last few hours by the FdT deputy Eduardo Valdés together with other ruling party legislators, consists of 410 pages and proposes to summon the four judges of the highest court: Horacio Rosatti -its president-, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Juan Carlos Maqueda and Ricardo Lorenzetti, to appear before the Political Judgment Commission of the Lower House, which will carry out the investigation.

In the draft resolution, which the deputies prepared based on the document promoted by the President, new complaints were also added to be investigated throughout the process, including one on the management of the social work of the Judiciary.

Regarding the ruling of the highest court on the co-participation that benefited the City of Buenos Aires, the text maintains that “it is evident that the decision adopted by the ministers of the Court is eminently political and partial, therefore, as such, it must be analyzed under the prism of the enormous political and economic impact that it causes within the federal co-participation scheme”.

The ruling party has the necessary number in the impeachment commission to sign the bill’s opinion, but not with the two-thirds majority that is required in plenary to push the accusation before the Senate.

The decision to initiate proceedings against the members of the highest court by the national government came after the broadcast of chat conversations that Silvio Robles, spokesman for the head of the highest court, Horacio Rosatti, presumably held with the Minister of Security and Justice of the City of Buenos Aires, Marcelo D’Alessandro.

In these exchanges, Robles indicated to the Buenos Aires official what strategies the government of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta should follow to obtain a favorable ruling from the Court in the dispute with the Nation over co-participating funds, something that finally occurred.


“The Supreme Court ostensibly and unfoundedly privileged a partisan political agreement that, starting in 2016, promoted raising the co-participation coefficient of the richest district in the country,” says the text promoted by the legislators.

In this sense, it states that “this is so, while the numerous arguments put forth in order to account for the arbitrariness that justified a disproportionate increase in this coefficient were not duly addressed.”

In the text, the deputies maintain that “all directors, secretaries, officials and/or employees of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation who have intervened and/or could provide information of interest regarding the facts” must be summoned as witnesses. denounced”.

“The impeachment process, in which judges of the Supreme Court of Justice are charged and attempted to be removed, is an exceptional instance in which the determination of the political responsibility of the ruler is pursued,” the document added.

The ruling party does not have a number to promote the accusation of the judges before the Senate

It adds that “the poor performance of the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice is evidenced when the magistrate does not apply or decide against the Law in force or lacks moral or intellectual aptitudes for the fulfillment of the task.”

“This poor performance, moreover, is entrenched in a homogeneous composition of jurisdictional resolutions that unequivocally demonstrate an unfaithful and harmful interpretation for the legal order of the State, at the top of which, the Constitution is spectacularly violated,” the deputies point out.

The national government formalized yesterday the call for extraordinary sessions between “January 23 to February 28” to deal with 27 projects, including, in addition to the request for prosecution of the Supreme Court, a project to expand the number of members of the highest court, the modification of the Law of the Council of the Magistracy and a norm related to the treatment of the agreement required to designate the Attorney of the Nation.

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