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Police: A44: Overturned chip shop trailer clogged highway

A strong side wind led to a one-kilometer traffic jam on the A44 on Tuesday: a team with a trailer for a chip shop overturned.

There must never have been such a long queue in front of a takeaway, even if a doner kebab only costs 1 cent. On Tuesday on the A44 near Geseke, however, an accident was the reason: the police counted seven kilometers of traffic jams. An overturned chip shop trailer clogged the freeway.

The mobile snack stand was attached to a Mercedes Sprinter, which drove onto the A44 at the Geseke junction on Tuesday afternoon on its way to Göttingen. Shortly after cutting in, a strong side wind caused the team to skid, the Bielefeld police reported on Wednesday.

Curious accident on the A44: the rear axle of the towing vehicle was in the air

The chip shop fell over and lay on its side. The towing vehicle also came to a stop across the roadway, police said. Due to the leverage, the Mercedes only stood on its front wheels; the trailer hitch from the overturned snack stand lifted the rear axle a good three feet.

The autobahn in the direction of Kassel was closed for one and a half hours due to the accident. The 50-year-old at the wheel of the Mercedes was unharmed, police said. A towing company had to move in to recover the trailer and Mercedes. Police estimate the damage to property at $5,000.


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