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Police evacuate Eiffel Tower due to bomb threat

Una amenaza de bomba provocó este sábado la evacuación de la Torre Eiffel, uno de los monumentos más emblemáticos de París, durante dos horas. Foto Afp

Paris. A bomb threat caused this Saturday the evacuation of the Eiffel Tower, one of the most emblematic monuments of Paris, for two hours.

SETE, the body that manages the monument, said bomb disposal experts and police searched the area, including a restaurant located on one of its three floors.

“It is standard procedure in this type of situation which is however rare,” a spokeswoman said.

Visitors were evacuated from both the three floors and the plaza under the monument shortly after 1:30 p.m. (1130 GMT).

The alert was lifted around 3:30 p.m. and access to the public was reopened.

The Iron Lady drew 6.2 million visitors last year.

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