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Police raids in Brazil leave 45 dead; report clashes with drug gangs

Police raids in Brazil leave 45 dead;  report clashes with drug gangs

A series of police raids against drug gangs in three Brazilian states has resulted in at least 45 deaths.

In the latest operation in the Complexo da Penha area of ​​Rio de Janeiro, ten people were killed in a shootout, including a drug lord, and earlier, clashes during a five-day police raid in São Paulo state, dubbed Operation Shield. , claimed 16 lives.

In Bahia, authorities reported that 19 suspects died in separate incidents. The raids have sparked criticism, with human rights organizations cThey condemn the actions of the police and ask that the alleged abuses be investigated.

According to the BBCthe escalation of violence underscores concerns about security and police conduct in Brazil.

Violence and clashes in multiple Brazilian states

In the state of São Paulo, the operation dubbed Operation Shield resulted in 16 deaths, including two police officers, during a five-day raid following the murder of a special forces officer in Guarujá, according to the local media Globo.

The operation led to 58 arrests and the seizure of 385 kg of narcotics, along with firearms. However, the Brazilian Minister of Justice criticized the police response, considering it disproportionate to the initial crime.

In Rio de Janeiro, the Complexo da Penha operation targeted drug kingpins and caused ten deaths, including one trafficker, and four injuries. The raid was met with condemnation, and authorities were accused of seeking revenge for the death of a police officer.

In the northeastern state of Bahia, clashes between police and gang members in cities like Salvador, Itatim and Camaçari caused 19 deaths, in addition to seizures of weapons, phones and drugs, according to local media.

Complaint of police violence in Brazil

Human rights organizations, including the Fogo Cruzado Institute and the Marielle Franco Institute, have denounced the raids, referring to them as “mass murders“.

Police violence in densely populated areas such as favelas has been a longstanding concern, with numerous deaths reported in similar operations throughout the year.

Although initiatives like equipping São Paulo military police with body cameras have shown promising results, concerns persist about human rights abuses by law enforcement.

Calls for greater scrutiny and accountability have increased as Brazil grapples with high levels of gun violence and security fears.

The recent wave of violent police raids in Brazil has resulted in significant loss of life, raising questions about the appropriate use of force and the need for greater accountability in law enforcement.

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