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Police violence in Sainte-Soline, complaints against the BRAV-M, Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus … The five information of this weekend to remember

Police violence in Sainte-Soline, complaints against the BRAV-M, drowned migrants in the Mediterranean, nuclear weapons in Belarus, … Did you pick up the news this weekend? “L’Obs” summarizes the main information to remember.

  • Police violence and BRAV-M: judicial investigations opened and seizures by the General Inspectorate of the National Police

“Sexual Assault”, “threats to commit the crime of rape”, “violation of individual freedoms”, “violence”, “false in public writing”… Two demonstrators decided to file a complaint after their arrest by BRAV-M police officers on Monday March 20 in Paris, according to information from France info. Two judicial inquiries have been opened and entrusted to the IGPN.

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Brav-M violence in Paris: two demonstrators announce to file a complaint

The BRAV-M are police units circulating on motorcycles to ensure the maintenance of order during demonstrations in Paris, being more mobile than the CRS companies or the mobile gendarmes. Their mission is to go into contact with the thugs to stop the damage and challenge them. This unit has recently been implicated in several cases of police violence in the context of demonstrations against pension reform.

On Friday evening, the prefect of police announced that he had seized the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) after the broadcast of an audio recording, obtained by “Le Monde” and Loopsider, in which we hear police officers, presented as members of BRAV-M, making insulting and humiliating remarks towards seven young demonstrators whom they had just arrested. Sarah*, a student, is one of them. She told this evening to “L’Obs”.

“They clashed with us one by one for half an hour”: the story of one of the young people insulted by the Brav-M

The Paris prosecutor’s office for its part opened a judicial investigation on Saturday for “intentional violence by persons holding public authority and threats of crime”following a report received in the afternoon.

The prefect of police Laurent Nuñez indicated on Saturday that the dismantling of the BRAV-M, is not “obviously not on the agenda”.

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In total, the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) has been seized of 17 judicial investigations since the first national day of mobilization against the pension reform in January, its director said on Sunday. On Friday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin revealed that eleven IGPN investigations had opened ” for a week “. This therefore signals a recent acceleration of referrals, particularly since March 16 and the start of wild demonstrations in Paris and in several regions, in reaction to the use of Article 49-3 of the Constitution to have the reform adopted.

  • In Sainte-Soline, the anti-basins clashed with the police

Thousands of people converged on the basin of Sainte-Soline, Saturday March 25, to denounce “water grabbing by agro-industry”. While violent clashes took place, the organizers accuse the authorities of having delayed the treatment of at least one seriously injured person.

Tear gas, quads and Molotov cocktails … In Sainte-Soline, the anti-basins clash with the police

An investigation has been opened “to determine the exact nature” serious injuries to three protesters in total and “the circumstances in which” these people were injured, prosecutor Julien Wattebled said in a press release.

The vital prognosis is still engaged for one of the demonstrators injured during these violent clashes which took place on Saturday during a demonstration against agricultural water reserves in Deux-Sèvres, the Niort prosecutor’s office confirmed on Sunday.

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Ecologists in a hostile environment: between insults and physical attacks, activists under pressure

With this protester between life and death, the tragedy of Sivens is obviously in many heads… At the time, on October 26, 2014, the body of a 21-year-old environmental activist, Rémi Fraisse, had been found on the site of the Sivens dam, in Tarn, after clashes between opponents of the project and the police.

The Human Rights League for its part questioned, this Sunday, the responsibility of the police in the violence on Saturday in Sainte-Soline.

“We observed an immoderate and indiscriminate use of force on all those present, with a clear objective: to prevent access to the basin, whatever the human cost”writes the LDH, which had mandated 22 observers of public freedoms and police practices on the spot.

  • Russia will deploy nuclear weapons “tactics” in Belarus

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Moscow would deploy nuclear weapons “tactics” on the territory of its ally, Belarus, a country located at the gates of the European Union. International reactions have been numerous.

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“Russia’s nuclear rhetoric is dangerous and irresponsible”, NATO said on Sunday after the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Belarus, an ally of Moscow, borders Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. Ukraine called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council this Sunday to counter the “nuclear blackmail” of Russia. The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell meanwhile warned on Sunday that the EU was “ready” to adopt new sanctions against Belarus if that country were to deploy Russian nuclear weapons on its territory. While France has condemned Vladimir Putin’s intention, calling on Moscow to show ” responsibility “ and to reconsider its decision according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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kyiv accuses Russia of having “taken Belarus as a nuclear hostage”, calls for an emergency meeting at the UN

Vladimir Putin had motivated his decision on Saturday by the United Kingdom’s desire to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, as recently mentioned by a British official. Several Russian officials, including former President Dmitry Medvedev, have however threatened Ukraine and Westerners with nuclear weapons since the start of the Russian offensive launched on February 24, 2022.

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  • At least 29 migrants drowned in three shipwrecks in the Mediterranean

At least 29 migrants from sub-Saharan African countries have drowned in three shipwrecks off Tunisia, the latest in a series of tragedies in the Mediterranean.

Twenty-nine bodies were recovered, the Tunisian coast guard said in a statement on Sunday, adding that it had “rescued eleven illegal migrants of several African nationalities after the sinking of their boats” off the east-central coast of Tunisia. The press release reports three separate shipwrecks.

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A Tunisian trawler has recovered 19 bodies after a boat sank 58 kilometers offshore. A coastguard patrol recovered eight bodies off the coastal town of Mahdia and rescued 11 migrants whose boat heading for Italy capsized, while trawlers recovered two other bodies.

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“In Denmark, the laws on foreigners are getting crazier and crazier”

Several dozen migrants have died in a series of shipwrecks and others have been missing since President Kais Saied’s violent speech on February 21 on illegal immigration. Kais Saied had affirmed that the presence in Tunisia of « hordes » illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa was a source of “violence and crimes” and came under a “criminal enterprise” aiming to “changing the demographic composition” from the country.

  • Lebanon woke up this Sunday divided around the time change

The information could make people smile if it were not symbolic of a deeply divided country, already plunged into a deep political and economic crisis. Lebanon woke up this Sunday divided around the change of time, part of the country refusing to comply with the government’s decision to delay the transition to summer time by a month.

Advance the clock or not? Lebanon divided over time change

The resigning government of Najib Mikati took this decision on Thursday, without giving the reason, two days before the planned transition to summer time like every last Sunday of March. The decision (and the very short deadline to implement it) caused disruptions to international flights or foreign-related institutions, with many countries switching to daylight saving time on Sunday.

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The resigning Prime Minister, a Sunni Muslim, did not explain the reasons for his decision. But a video leaked on social media shows Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, a Shia Muslim, asking him not to switch to daylight saving time to allow people observing the Ramadan fast, which lasts from sunrise at sunset, to break it an hour earlier. The case sparked an avalanche of satirical comments on social media, with one netizen even wondering if “a new civil war” was going to break out because of this conflict.

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