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Police withheld critical information in Canada’s deadliest shooting

Toronto (Canada), Mar 30 (EFE).- An official report on the deadliest shooting in Canadian history, which occurred in 2020 and in which 23 people were killed, concludes that the Mounted Police hid critical information from the public, which which probably increased the number of victims.

The report, commissioned by the Government and prepared by an independent commission, was released today and includes recommendations such as a ban on semi-automatic weapons and those with a capacity of more than five shots, as well as a ban on the use of magazines with more than five bullets.

The commission harshly criticizes the actions of the Canadian Mounted Police, and according to the report the decision not to warn the population about what was happening increased the danger.

The shooting occurred on April 18 and 19, 2020 when Gabriel Wortman, a 51-year-old dental technician, murdered 23 people in a rural area in the province of Nova Scotia, on Canada’s Atlantic coast.

Wortman, dressed in an authentic RCMP uniform, drove around for hours in a vehicle resembling a RCMP patrol car until he was shot down by Canadian security forces.

The Mounted Police concealed that the murderer was dressed as a police officer, was traveling in a police vehicle and was traveling through the region.

According to the report, the RCMP’s decision to withhold such information “deprived members of the community of the opportunity to assess the risks to their security and take steps to better protect themselves.”

During the work of the independent commission, which heard dozens of testimonies for seven months, the families of several of the people who died on April 19 declared that their relatives would have acted differently if they knew that a murderer disguised as a police officer was acting in the area.

The report of more than 3,000 pages accuses the police force, one of the most recognized institutions in Canada, of a lack of preparation and leadership and also considers that the Mounted Police have not “systematically” evaluated their performance in the “mass shooting most deadly in Canadian history.

Among the 130 conclusions of the report, an in-depth external review of the police force is recommended, since despite the fact that other investigations in the past have recommended reforms of its culture as an organization, the same problems persist.

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