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Political Fronts

1. The importance of 23. Due to its economic and political implications, the coming year will be crucial for the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and, without a doubt, it will define if your national project has a life beyond 2024. The Olmeca refinery has given surprises since day one. First, due to the number of previous works to adapt a mangrove area and, later, due to the constant flooding of the property located in Paraíso. Later, the issue of cost came up, however, the work is progressing and promises to be the refinery that will get out of fuel supply problems. Four decades without building any and now there is courage and determination… A little patience, that’s all.

2. With the right foot. The Secretary of the Navy, in charge of Admiral Jose Rafael Ojeda Duran, dealt a great blow to organized crime to start 2023 off right. Within the framework of Operation at Sea, personnel managed to seize around 895 kilograms of cocaine that were transported in a smaller vessel, as well as the arrest of four people, presumed violators of the law, off the coast of Chiapas. The drug, as well as the people, were made available to the FGR, subdelegation of Tapachula, Chiapas, for the integration of the corresponding investigation folder. Setting up the research folders is an easy task, please don’t mess it up.

3. there is shot. The national president of Morena, Mario DelgadoI present Delfina Gomez as the candidate for the governorship of the State of Mexico to be held on June 4. dolphinat the same time, announced the appointments of Horace Duarte as the coordinator of its pre-campaign and of the subsequent campaign, which begins on April 3. In addition, the senator for Morena higinio martinez will act as special delegate of the electoral process. With these places, the quota between morenistas is covered in some way, who declare themselves ready for the contest. That, in this corner… And in the other, Alejandra del Moral The PRI, PAN and PRD alliance is signing up for the election. Place your bets.

Four. Deep cleaning. The Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, reported that, in 2022, a total of 6 thousand 659 suspected criminals went from being on the streets to being linked to the process. “It is a number that is easy to say, but it has represented a challenge of coordination, strategy and commitment to recover peace in Jalisco,” he said. These kinds of advances, he said, have been a constant since he wrested the government from him. “And it is something that, according to data from the National Public Security System, is reflected in the lowest crime incidence figures of the last five years. The question is: if so many criminals who were on the streets are already in jail, why doesn’t crime go down?

5. golden opportunity. The Institutional Revolutionary Party published this week the call for candidates to be candidates for the governorship of Coahuila. The Secretary of Political Operation of the PRI in the state, Adrian de Jesus Herrera, stressed that, with the above, the internal process of the PRI begins to have its candidate. On January 12 will be the registration for those who wish to participate in the internal process for the governorship, he specified. For his part, the coordinator of PRI deputies, Ruben Moreira, considered that there are conditions for an alliance with the PAN and the PRD towards the elections in Coahuila and Edomex. Do not think so much, because you already have an advantage if on the other side Morena opted for the candidate that he was not: Armando Guadiana. There’s the bread.

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