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Political Judgment Commission: Gaillard estimated that they will begin work between January 25 and 26

The president of the Impeachment Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Carolina Gaillard (FdT), estimated today that the call will be made next week, so that “between Wednesday the 25th and Thursday the 26th” start working on the request that President Alberto Fernández delivered and is accompanied by the governors regarding the four members of the Supreme Court of Justice.

“We estimate that next week, once the decree calling for extraordinary sessions is published in the Official Gazette, the commission will be convened with due time in advance necessary to start working,” said the Entre Ríos deputy in statements to C5N.

In this sense, he affirmed that “next week we are already calling for the 25th or 26th to be able to start the work period”, at the same time that he stressed that the commission is going to “focus on determining the admissibility, and then they will leave to hold meetings every week to gather the evidence in the investigation stage”.

Regarding the request made by deputy Rodrigo de Loredo, who is a member of Juntos por el Cambio and belongs to the Evolución Radical party, for Gaillard to be removed from the presidency of the commission for “not guaranteeing the objectivity and impartiality of the process,” he rejected the request .

And he explained: “There is jurisprudence that the members of the commission are not recusable because the nature of these bodies is political, not legal. This is not a criminal process, and Loredo should read the National Constitution, about this power that the Congress, divided between the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, where one investigates and opens the trial process and accuses, and the other does carry out the trial stage”.

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