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political x-ray

This Owl sees the political landscape more moved than Kike Serum after toasting with the cachina climber all Christmas Eve. That’s why I grab my ‘Sword of omen’ from ‘The Thundercats’, so that it allows me to see ‘beyond the obvious’ in this ‘Political X-ray’ that my readers demand so much.

SIGHT: The Owl Christmas Movies

DINA BOLUARTE: He met the presidential band due to Castillo’s own goal. His hand trembled when the violent protests broke out and the first victims were produced and he did not make any decision about the intervention of the Armed Forces. He reacted late when the prairie burned and the clashes caused more than twenty deaths.

He did well to bring the end of his term forward, but he does not remove the corset of having been part of the unpresentable castillo and government of Castillo and, in his appearances on television, he hurts himself by saying that for several months he “wanted to help” the corrupt.

Knowing that his enemy is the ‘radical left’ he continues with his indecisions and now he comes out with that ‘the initiative for the Constituent Assembly is not closed’. Doña Dina does not understand that she cannot be right with God and with the devil.

PETER CASTILLO: He is to blame for the crisis. When he kicked the democratic board he broke the Constitution and tried to ‘dissolve’ Congress. A coup d’état aimed at intervening all justice institutions, in order to destroy the evidence on the very serious accusations of corruption that weighed against him.

With justice they imposed 18 months of pre-trial detention for coup. But since his arrest, he has encouraged violence and cowardly has tried a thousand justifications for his riot: ‘I don’t remember’, ‘they drugged me’. He delusionally believes that he is still president.

MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR: The sinister and misplaced Mexican president has put diplomatic relations with Peru in crisis due to his feverish eagerness to attack the constitutional government of Dina Boluarte and defend the Chotan coup leader, lying when he says that “he was the victim of a coup by Congress” and does not speak The truth is that he was vacated for carrying out a coup and heading a criminal organization that dedicated itself to looting the country like booty.

He has been left alone in his attacks on Peru and the international community pays no attention to his bravado and the Mexican Congress has repudiated his vulgar interventionism in national politics.

THE CONGRESS: His reflexes did not fail him when it came to vacating Castillo and anointing his constitutional successor. But they made a terrible reading of the violent situation, believing that they could stay until 2026, when the protests were for them to be the first to leave. Not even when the dead piled up in the provinces did they deign to put early elections on the agenda, in an unnatural and shameful alliance between the right and the left.

Cornered by the deaths and the overwhelming violence, they approved the advance, but they demand that “constitutional reforms” be made and number one for them: the “re-election of congressmen.” I turn off the TV.


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