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Pompeo proposes using drones against Mexican cartels

Washington DC, EU.- Former United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo proposed this Friday to use drones unilaterally to attack positions of drug cartels in Mexico given that so far, according to him, the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador does not seek to eliminate them.

In an opinion article on the site of a conservative organization known as the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), Pompeo assured that the diplomatic channel to push the Mexican government to act against drug cartels is not It has worked.

“We can secure our border and better protect the American people from drug cartels. That’s why, as Secretary of State, I suggested that we use drones to attack the cartels,” said Pompeo, who is speculated to be running for president.

“We know where (the cartels) are and what they are doing. We should not wait for a problem to come to our door to address it. If the Mexican government cannot or will not eliminate them, we must protect the American people.”

With his editorial, Pompeo joins other figures in the Administration of former President Donald Trump, such as former Attorney General William Barr, in urging the designation of Mexican drug cartels as terrorist entities and initiation of US military action against them on Mexican soil. .

“We should not expect the Biden Administration to recognize this reality,” Pompeo said, criticizing the current US administration for not supporting the designation of the cartels as terrorist entities.

“Team Biden, as usual, is allowing entrenched orthodoxies to narrow their focus and weaken the US. He is prioritizing diplomatic engagement and cooperation with Mexico over saving lives in the US. How exactly is this cooperation and engagement helping the country?”.

According to the former US Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, former President Trump had considered in 2020 the possibility of launching missiles against drug laboratories in Mexico, something that Pompeo assured in his new memoir that he had discussed with his Cabinet colleague. , then-Attorney Barr.

“Fighting the cartels with sanctions and financial warfare is not enough. Truly confronting these vicious narcoterrorist organizations requires the full spectrum of American power,” he added.

As recently as March 8, the White House had rejected the proposal to designate the Mexican drug cartels as international terrorist organizations since said designation would not add new tools to those that the US government already has to confront them.

In January, the Republican Opposition in both houses of the Capitol revived an old bill dating from 2011 to include Mexican cartels on the US State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs).

That same month, another group of Republican legislators in the House lowered an “Authorization for the Use of Military Force” (AUMF) initiative against the cartels, a figure traditionally in wars and that has no chance of success. before the control of the Democratic Party in the Senate.

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