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Poolex Academy: Create the success story you are willing to tell

Poolex Academy is an international academy registered in the United States that has managed to offer opportunities and benefits to families around the world.

This project was born 6 years ago and has been growing for 4 years and providing tools to all people. Currently, Poolex Academy has a fully committed work team that, day by day, is in charge of ensuring the operation of internal processes, and providing the tools and the best service to all members of our Poolex Family.

Poolex Academy also has a “Poolex Foundation” that, with the cooperation of the Colombian Air Force, carries out activities with a social impact in various communities in Colombia; With this social work, it seeks to provide financial education and support the communities of children and the elderly.

What we are looking for is that the people who have joined learn how to be successful, financially independent, and have a different vision of their lives and personal growth process. Poolex Academy advises you on personal finances, accompanies you in the process and gives you the opportunity to participate in social action activities.

We have tools that allow its users to generate income while they learn, in alliance with international brokers such as ATFX and ELV Markets, it teaches how to participate in financial systems in an automated way and take advantage of market movements in their favor.

We are at the forefront with the most innovative technological tools, offering disruptive education in the Metaverse, informing our users about NFTs, Blockchain technology and stock market indices.

We seek to generate a future impact on our users and their families, but more importantly, we seek to foster the development of a successful mentality in each child from an early age, where they learn the value of investment through financial education and leveraging projects.

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With this need to achieve a close and personalized reach in our children, within the academy, we have developed a new educational plan called “Poolex Kids” where the little ones are taught the importance and difference between saving and investing, as well as They are given didactic tools to put knowledge into practice and can be spokespersons and impact their community with their example.

Our presidents and founders, Ana María Forero, a dreaming woman who works daily for a world in which financial education is available to all children and their families who are “invisible” today. She studied Environmental Engineering at the Surcolombiana University, obtained her specialization in Construction and Infrastructure Project Management at the Universidad del Rosario, in addition, she studied finance at Miami Dade College, United States.

Juan Manuel Jiménez, an entrepreneurial leader who with the power of his word has reached every corner giving tools for empowerment, improvement and success. He studied aircraft maintenance technology in the Colombian Air Force in 2008; he obtained an A & P Federal Aviation Administration License in 2014; studied finance at Miami Dade College, United States in the year 2022; he also has a Master of Business from the Tonny Robins LLC Institution; he is an expert in High Impact Dynamics, Fire Walk American Institute; and has certification in Real State and Stocks, Mexico DC Rich Dad Institute obtained in 2019.

Follow us on our social networks, Tik Tok, instagram, Telegram and Youtube (@poolexoficial); We have a community of more than 5,000 people that accompanies us and that we always have connected with valuable content that will take you to another level.

“We know that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world, change the world with Poolex Academy”.

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