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Popcorn, parkour and predators – here are the year’s most viewed news clips from Södertälje

1. When the Coast Guard dumped thousands of liters of popcorn in Mälaren to practice oil spills, many people reacted. Watch the video:

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Hear more about why the Coast Guard dumps popcorn in Mälaren in the clip. Photo: The Coast Guard

2. In a troubled world situation, the prepper Johan Wahlström sees an increased interest in self-sufficiency. He himself survives for several years on pickled vegetables and seeds. Watch the video:

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Lactic acid greens and seeds – that’s what most of his food looks like. He expects to last about 42 months in the event of a crisis. Hear Johan Wahlström talk about his food storage in the video. Photo: Aida Arslanovic/SVT

3. It was the world cup in parkour and Iron Girl Mirande was a great success. Watch the video:

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“The hardest part is the mental part,” says Miranda Tibbling in the video. SVT met the 18-year-old in the parkour park in Södertälje. Photo: Linda Asmar/SVT

4. There are more lynxes in the Södertälje area – SVT’s reporter took an odor sample where they leave traces. Watch the video:

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The lynx often cross the footbridge and are then caught on the County Administrative Board’s wildlife camera. Photo: County Administrative Board

5. Wolves continue to be observed in Sjundareviret in Södertälje. Now many also want advice on what to do when you meet a wolf. Watch the video:

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This is what you should do if you meet a wolf Photo: SVT
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