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Pope: "Addio Benedetto": Emotional reactions to Benedict’s death

“Addio Benedetto!”: The death of Pope Emeritus Benedict triggered dismayed reactions in Italy. This is how the country reacted.

Although since Wednesday, ever since Pope Francis reported that Benedict’s state of health was deteriorating and that the death of the emeritus pope was expected, the death of the former pontiff triggered agitated reactions.

On the St. Peter’s Square pilgrims gathered in prayer after the announcement of Benedict’s death. Journalists from all over the world flocked to the Vatican press room to attend the press conference of the Pope’s spokesman Matteo Bruni to attend He announced that Joseph Ratzinger’s funeral would take place next Thursday at 9:30 am.

The funeral mass will be celebrated by the current Pope Francis. It will be a solemn but simple ceremony, entirely in Benedict’s style, said Bruni. This will be taken care of heads of state, clergy and pilgrims from all over the world participate. From Monday, Benedict’s body will be laid out in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Also read the obituary: Pope Benedict’s life was marked by ruptures

Pope Benedict died: “giant of faith and reason”

The Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni designated Benedict XVI. as a “giant of faith and reason””He was a person who put his life at the service of the universal church and, with the spiritual, cultural and intellectual depth of his teaching post, touched people’s hearts,” Meloni explained on social networks. “Benedict was a Christian, a pastor, a theologian: a great man who history will not forget,” said Meloni.

The Italian head of state Sergio Mattarella condoled to the Vatican for Benedict’s death. “He was an intellectual who always had dialogue in mind,” said the President, who had often met Benedict.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani is also mourning Joseph Ratzinger. “I am very saddened by the death of Benedict XVI. He was a great pope and a great theologian. I appreciate his teachings and his way of explaining the faith. I will always carry in my heart his words in defense of Europe’s Christian roots ‘” Tajani said on Twitter.

Also read: Two Popes: What distinguished Pope Francis from Benedict?

Roman mayor Roberto Gualtieri described Benedict as “a great theologian who, with his teaching ministry, knew how to accompany the Church in today’s world. The city of Rome is sharing in the mourning of believers all over the world,” wrote the mayor.

Italy mourns Pope Emeritus: “Ability to think first of the good of the Church”

The former Italian Senate President Marcello Pera of the right-wing populist party Fratelli d’Italia, who has written books with selected texts by the Pope Emeritus, described Benedict as the “greatest interpreter of the Christianity in the 20th century””He was the last great defender of western civilization. He especially roused the laity by making it clear that the values ​​they claim to be proud of and which are enshrined in our fundamental rights are in fact Christian values. He was the great intellectual who knew how to combine faith and reason,” said Pera.

As a person of culture, intelligence and the finest spirituality, the former papal spokesman, Federico Lombardi, the pontiff emeritus Benedict XVI, who died on Saturday. designated. “He had the great ability to express his spirituality, which arose from a deep faith,” said the 80-year-old Lombardi in an interview with the Italian television channel Rai 1. Lombardi described Benedict’s resignation as “revolutionary”.

During his pontificate, Benedict did not have to overcome any easy hurdles. “He had the ability to always put the good of the Church first,” said Lombardi, Pope Benedict XVI’s spokesman. (2005-2013) and the first three years in office of his successor Francis was. His “revolutionary resignation” should also be explained in this context.

Benedict had realized that he no longer had the power to govern the universal Church. Therefore, he decided to hand over the leadership to a person with more energy. This testifies once again that Benedict was a man of faith and reason at the service of the Church,” said Lombardi.

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