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Pope Francis calls for the release of all those kidnapped in Colombia

The Pope says he is much better from his bronchitis, but he still gets tired

BOGOTA.- He Pope Francisco advocated on Sunday for the “unconditional” release of all kidnapped in Colombiajust when authorities demand the rescue of an official who was kidnapped in the northwest of the South American country.

During his traditional weekly appearance from his study overlooking St. Peter’s Square, the pontiff asked the faithful to join him in prayer for “the unconditional release of all people currently kidnapped in Colombia.”

“This gesture, which is a duty before God, will also favor a climate of reconciliation and peace in the country,” he added.

In a message on the social network

The organization highlighted how it achieved that, in the peace negotiations with the National Liberation Army guerrilla (ELN), the determination of the practice of kidnapping as “violatory” to international humanitarian law will be incorporated.

Both statements were made on a day in which the South American nation faces two new kidnappings. They are the registrar of the department of Chocó, Jefferson Elías Murillo, and his cousin, who were kidnapped on Saturday afternoon, according to the commander of the local police, Colonel Óscar Rico.

In statements to radio W in Colombia, Rico confirmed the incident this Sunday, in which five people dressed in black, with balaclavas and heavily armed, intimidated the official, who was heading to a meeting in his vehicle accompanied by his family member.

Rico indicated that information is being collected to find the perpetrators of the kidnappings. He clarified that no request for economic rescue has yet been received, but he did say that a reward of 30 million Colombian pesos has been offered for information that allows locating the victims.

The Attorney General’s Office rejected both kidnappings and on Sunday demanded that the government deploy all “its military action” to achieve “his prompt release,” as well as that of all the kidnapped people, as stated in a statement published in X.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Peace also expressed its “condemnation of kidnapping and the obligation that security and justice agencies have to prevent and prosecute the perpetrators of this type of practices, regardless of the level of negotiations or conversations they have.”

“Peace must strengthen the security of the civilian population and is not an excuse for inaction by public forces,” highlighted the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace.

According to the High Commissioner for Peace, from August 3 to December 2023 there were 19 people kidnapped.

One of the most notorious cases was the kidnapping of the parents of Colombian footballer Luis Díaz, who plays for Liverpool. Both have already been rescued.

Source: With information from AP / Europa Press

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