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Port of Algiers: large seizure of psychotropic drugs on a passenger from Marseille

Several passengers from and to Algeria tend to attempt certain illicit practices. In particular, illicit transfers of capital, smuggling of goods and narcotics… On many occasions, the elements of the Algerian customs manage to thwart these attempts.

In this wake, in a press release published on its official page, the General Directorate of Algerian Customs announced that a new smuggling attempt was foiled at the port of Algiers.

Port of Algiers: a passenger from France arrested

Indeed, according to the statement in question, the agents of the inspection of travelers control at the port of Algiers, under the divisional customs inspection, succeeded in thwarting the attempt to bring in a large quantity of psychotropic drugs .

These include 10,050 extasy-type tablets, which were seized from a traveler who made the Marseille – Algiers crossing. The goods in question were well concealed in the baggage of this passenger. However, following a meticulous control of the luggage at the port of Algiers, but also the vigilance and the mobilization of the elements of the PAF. The latter have succeeded in mastering this large quantity of psychotropic drugs. In addition, the General Directorate of Customs informs that the traveler in question has been arrested and brought before the competent courts.

Port of Algiers: major seizure of diouls and flans

This large quantity of psychotropics is not the only unusual seizure at the port of Algiers. Last week, the General Directorate of Customs said it had seized a large quantity of food products intended for resale.

This is notably a large list. Including 126,000 packets of diouls, 840 liters of olive oil. But also, 60 packets and 189 kg of blanks. These are, as you can see, food products that are heavily consumed during Ramadan 2023.


>> Diouls, flan, olive oil…. Large quantities seized at the port of Algiers
>> Algiers airport: attempted illicit transfer of 38,000 euros foiled

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