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Positive paraffin in clothes seized from two detainees for the millionaire robbery

Thursday, January 5, 2023 | 3:00 a.m.

service -he was shot hours before to rob him of a million-dollar sum of money that he was preparing to deposit in a downtown bank in Monte Carlo- they were more involved in the investigation for the aforementioned case.

Although the paraffin tests that were carried out on the hands of both yielded negative results, the sources consulted indicated that traces of gunpowder were detected in the clothing that both would have discarded moments after the event, and that they were seized in near the place where those involved were arrested.

The results of the samples taken by members of Regional Unit IV were forwarded to the Investigating Court One of Puerto Rico, in charge of Judge Manuel Balanda Gómez, who, beyond this novelty, is advancing with other investigative edges to find those involved.

Now the suspects will be housed in police headquarters and it is expected that next week they will be transferred to police headquarters for an investigative statement. And, in addition, they will be charged provisionally with the figures of robbery and attempted homicide, although this last accusation could vary with the running of the investigations.

The delayed recovered their freedom during the day yesterday.

The two detainees had been located by members of the Investigation Brigade of the local police station in the vicinity of a pine forest on Mariano Moreno street, in the Martín Fierro neighborhood, an area to which the thieves would have fled after carrying out the robbery.

In the possession of the suspects, who said they had returned from the river, a backpack was seized in which there were clothes with similar characteristics to those worn by the criminals. Also a compressed air firearm modified for 22 caliber and several cartridges of the same caliber.

On the other hand, the victim, identified as Mario Rubén (48), was discharged on Tuesday afternoon from the Samic Hospital in Eldorado, where the bullet projectile that hit the sole of his left foot was extracted. .

Meanwhile, the investigations continued yesterday with the survey of Banco Nación security cameras, where the victim had planned to make a bank deposit, as well as businesses and homes located in the vicinity.

What is sought is to establish if any of these captured part of the criminal sequence, or to see if hours before the event, people with similar characteristics to those described by the employee were carrying out prior intelligence tasks at the scene.

Surprised in the middle

As this morning reported, the victim is an employee of the Shell service station in Monte Carlo. As he usually did, the worker arrived at 11 o’clock with his Renault truck to Herm street, a few meters from the aforementioned bank.

But after getting out of the vehicle, two strangers, one of them with his face uncovered, pounced on him and tried to seize a box in which the worker was carrying the money.

“Get in the truck, give us the money, give us the money,” the thugs yelled as they struggled with the victim.

In the midst of this, in an oversight of the assailants, the employee managed to escape. And beyond the fact that the strangers had already seized the million-dollar loot, one of them fired four shots at Mario Rubén while he was running.

One of them hit his left foot and therefore ended up on the ground. Minutes later, when the thieves had escaped, residents of the area assisted the victim and provided cures until the ambulance arrived.

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