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Potsdam Today, April 28, 2023: Potsdam in need of money, two years of Oberlin murders, soon another election drama?

Good morning,

only exceptionally, I promise, we’ll take a quick look at the start across the national border – Direction Potsdam difficult neighbor: The election drama in Berlin made national headlines yesterday. No good.

Brandenburg’s left opposition also made a strong move. “What a bad day, also for reliable cooperation with Brandenburg,” said Linke state and parliamentary group leader Sebastián Walter. CDU man Kai Wegnerelected only in third ballot and possibly with votes of the AfDjust be “Mayor by Brown Grace”.

Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) was more diplomatic. With Wegner, the “innovation and economic region of Berlin-Brandenburg gets a strong voice“. He looks forward to working together.

However, Woidke has had enough own problems: His SPD, which has ruled in the Mark since 1990, can only be found according to an rbb survey place 3 behind CDU and AfD, the level lie.And the satisfaction the Brandenburger with Woidke’s government sinks.

On top of that, there is a mood of crisis among them Potsdam Social Democrats – recently the faction leadership was exchanged here. Now worry two personal details for topics of conversation: Harold Cummelwho as more reliable problem solver applies in the town hall, is to switch to the state audit office as director. That would make Lord Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) lose another important manager.

In addition: Potsdam too could a election drama overtake. On Wednesday, the city councilors are to new deputy for education, youth, culture and sport. Two candidates, but to the end wobbled for both the majority – so OB Schubert decided at the last minute, the Wiesbaden professor and Greens Walid Hafezi to suggest. Will he and Hafezi be spared a nail-biter? The factions can be sorted again over the long weekend.

For you to get in the mood to the days off here three recommendations from our editors:

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  • The question of the week: Has the new tree blossom festival succeeded?
  • Outlook for the coming days Event Notes and a gastro tip
  • person of the week: Christian Traeger, organizer of the festival Rhythm against Racism
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