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Power cuts, Covid in China… What to remember from the first Council of Ministers 2023

Power cuts, resumption of the Covid epidemic in China, message from Emmanuel Macron… Government spokesperson Olivier Véran spoke on Wednesday January 4 at the end of the first Council of Ministers of the year 2023. The Obs” takes stock of its three main statements.

  • Possible power outages

The threat of power cuts this winter “seems to move away”declared Olivier Véran, the executive nevertheless calling the “businesses and citizens” to “maintain efforts on eco-gestures”.

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“The risk of a power outage this winter seems to be receding, in particular due to a gradual resumption of operation of our nuclear power plants, but also due to the weather conditions, as everyone will have been able to see, but also due to the effort made by the State, companies and all French people in terms of energy sobriety”said Olivier Véran. “So this is rather reassuring news, but it shouldn’t take us away from our goal, which is energy sobriety”he added.

  • Covid outbreak in China

The resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic in China is “the source of legitimate concern for Europe”estimated Olivier Véran, assuring, in response to protests from Beijing, that the mandatory tests will be applied “without blinking”.

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“No country wants to witness an epidemic outbreak on its territory, not after all the efforts and sacrifices made for almost three years”, did he declare. Presenting a negative test dating back less than 48 hours upon return from China is “a common sense measure to protect our fellow citizens and that we take without batting an eyelid”.

  • Macron calls on the government to be “bold” and to “stay tuned” to the French

Emmanuel Macron called on the government “boldly” and to “stay tuned to the concerns of the French”in order to respond “everyday emergencies”said the government spokesman after the Council of Ministers.

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The Head of State invited the ministers “to be bold and to remain attentive to the concerns of all French people (…), at a time when we are reforming, when we are transforming in order to be able to respond to daily emergencies and to future emergencies for all French people”said Olivier Véran.

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