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Powerful jet coming out of a black hole, captured for the first time in history, remains a mystery to science

What mysteries the universe continues to hide! Black holes, even though they have been photographed several timesremain a complete unknown for scientists.

In a stunning breakthrough for astrophysics, the famous black hole M87 has once again shocked the scientific community by revealing its powerful jet in a historic image captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

This image, first obtained in April 2018, shows the jet emerging from the center of the supermassive black hole located in the galaxy Messier 87.

The EHT, an international collaboration of synchronized radio telescopes, has succeeded in forming a virtual telescope the size of Earth, allowing scientists to observe cosmic phenomena in unprecedented detail.

In the case of the black hole M87, it was possible to capture the emission of a highly energetic plasma jet that extends thousands of light-years from the galactic nucleus.

This discovery is a milestone in the understanding of black holes and their influence on the galaxies that host them. The jet from M87 is a common phenomenon in active galaxies with supermassive black holes at their centers, but never before has such a clear and detailed picture of this process been obtained.

The captured image reveals how the jet emerges from the black hole at speeds close to the speed of light, generating a powerful emission of energy. This finding confirms existing theories about the feeding and ejection mechanisms of matter in supermassive black holes, and provides invaluable information about astrophysical processes and general relativity.

Scientists continue to analyze the data collected by the EHT, searching for answers to fundamental questions about the formation and evolution of black holes, as well as the role they play in the structure and dynamics of galaxies.

“We still don’t fully understand how it happens, but we do know that the jets are ejected from the region around black holes,” said Ru-Sen Lu of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China in a review note. The country.

The image of the black hole M87 ejecting its powerful jet represents a significant milestone in astrophysical research and demonstrates once again the amazing ability of science and technology to unlock the deepest secrets of the universe.

Scientists will continue to closely study that nucleus from where the powerful jet of energy originates, to learn more about black holes, their formation, and the consequences caused by this mysterious universal phenomenon.

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