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PRD proposes that inclusive and special education directors be experts in the field

the deputy Olga Luz Espinosa Morales of the PRD promotes initiative so that the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) assign in management positions of the schools of inclusive and special education people trained to apply plans and programs aimed at students with special needs.

The proposal that reforms article 12 of the General Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilitiesalso proposes implementing reasonable adjustments in all educational actions that allow students access, stay and finish the degrees or similar in the National educative system.

The document sent to the commissions of Attention to Vulnerable Groupsfor opinion, and that of Educationfor opinion, has the purpose facilitate the integration of people with disabilities to regular basic education schoolsthrough the application of specific methods, techniques and materials.

It states that these modifications will contribute to compliance with the mexican state for employing teachers who are qualified in sign language or Brailleand especially in the awareness on disability and the use of appropriate augmentative and alternative modes, media and formats of communicationas well as educational techniques and materials to support the people with limitations.

According to the United Nations Organization (UN) for the Educationthe Science and Culture (Unesco), the importance of having an inclusive educational policy is address illiteracyhe educational backwardnessthe exclusion and lack of opportunities for the People with disabilities.

Furthermore, according to data from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the and the children with disabilities are 47 percent more likely not to attend primary school, 33 percent of not attending the first cycle of secondary and 27 percent of not attending the upper secondary cycle.

Given this, this International organization recommended that countries collaborate with people with disabilities to eliminate the Physical barriersof communication and attitude that keep them on the margins of society; hence the importance of reforming the General Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilitiesin terms of teaching specialization.

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