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Prepare operational Road Safety for back to school

Juarez City.- The General Coordination of Road Safety (CGSV) will carry out the “cruise work” operation to protect the physical integrity of Juarez families during the return to school, tomorrow.

Through a statement, the corporation indicated that its personnel are ready to attend to the increase in road flow that will occur with the return to educational institutions, especially during rush hours, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. morning and from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.

In the same way, the school brigades, made up of parents, are part of the efforts and protection tasks that this corporation carries out in order to safeguard the physical integrity of students and their families.

Road Safety calls on Juarez residents to leave home early, respect pedestrian crossings and speed limits in school zones, pay attention to road signs, and avoid double-parking outside schools, since this prevents free transit in the area and affects third parties.

The corporation works “For a better road culture”, in order to reduce incidents, create awareness and responsibility when traveling through the various roads of our city.

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