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Prepare your Casio: This app allows you to have KITT’s AI and Michael Knight’s Fantastic Car on your smartphone

There are thousands of watch brands to be ignored on the planet. But Casio, unfortunately for Shakira, is not one of them. It was born in 1946 and has been in force for different generations, telling the time and being one of people’s favorite gadgets.

One of the generations that enjoyed them the most was that of the eighties, when thousands of us imagined that we were handling a car with our Casio, being Michael Knight (Knight Rider), the fantastic car, in Latin America.

The KITT was based on a third-generation Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am V8, a car that was released in 1982 by General Motors. The role played by David Hasselhoff called him with his watch, which at that time was one of the classic Casios that many had.

Even to Shakira herself, no one official of the brand, he wore a version in his childhood, as Casio reveals it on his Twitter account.

But hey, today we are not here to focus on ranting about the Colombian singer, but to add her to an impressive initiative that has the functions of KITT, a mobile app version. You can’t drive with the Casio, but it does remind us of those golden years in which we played calling a car from our watch, something impossible for the technology of that time.

real kitt talking

According to what the portal reviews applicantsthe development that we can find in virtual stores is called Real Kitt.

It is a voice assistant that has multiple commands to execute. Most of them are designed to answer your questions with which you can learn almost any topic, since it is powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Real Kitt is even capable of recognizing your emotions, generating QR codes, opening programs like Google, YouTube and other social networks. In fact, it can even read you news like this.

Best of all, it does so by emulating the interface of that Fantastic Car. The aforementioned portal informs that you can configure it in Spanish, but it will only answer you in English.

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