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President denounced: for not complying with the ruling of the Court

The opposition, between complaints and criticism of the government / web

Opposition legislators filed a criminal complaint against the President and the officials who decided not to abide by the Supreme Court ruling that ordered the restitution of funds to the Federal Capital that Alberto Fernández had taken from it in September 2020.

The presentation is promoted by the Civic Coalition for the alleged crimes of uprising, disobedience and breach of the duties of a public official.

The complaint was presented in the federal courts of Buenos Aires by the president of the CC, Emiliano Ferrario, and the national deputies Juan Manuel López, Marina Zuvic and Paula Oliveto.

In addition to the President, the complaint also points to the Minister of the Interior Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, the Chief of Staff Juan Manzur and Governor Jorge Capitanich, whom the Civic Coalition points to as the “instigator” of the breach.

The judicial presentation also points to the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. “It is clear that it is the Ministry of Economy that, through the General Treasury of the Nation, should have transferred the funds automatically and daily, in accordance with what was resolved by the Court,” the presentation explains.

“It is absurd and contradictory that the highest authorities of the National Executive Branch state that they are going to ignore a ruling handed down by the Court to whose jurisdiction they submitted, thus accepting their jurisdiction and integration,” the complaint says. And he adds: “So, it is inexplicable that the National State ignores, disobeys, prevents, refuses, omits or delays compliance with a ruling, for the mere fact of being adverse to its claims.”

As part of the offensive against the Government that decided to ignore the Court’s ruling, the political parties that make up Together for Change issued a joint statement in which they repudiate “disobedience”, after the national Government anticipated that it will present an appeal before the highest court because it is an “impossible compliance” resolution to increase the percentage of co-participating funds allocated to the city of Buenos Aires.

“We want to express our strongest repudiation and deep concern for the explicit disobedience of President Alberto Fernández before the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation,” the text begins.

“You cannot choose whether the Constitution is fulfilled or not. A ruling by the Court in this matter is the last word of legality. From JxC we are not going to admit living in a country where the law is optional”, stated the members of the main opposition coalition in the statement.

Likewise, they indicated that “the law must be complied with by everyone and mainly by those who exercise power and must set an example. Putting the Constitution into question from the top of political power not only endangers the functioning of the institutions, but also the legal and contractual security of all Argentines”.

In addition, they stated that “the National Government’s failure to comply with the provisions of the Court represents an unprecedented institutional and power conflict in the history of our country. We have to say enough to the constant abuse of Kirchnerism to the institutions”.


After a meeting that he held on Thursday with 14 governors, President Alberto Fernández decided to challenge the members of the Supreme Court of the Nation and present a request for revocation “in extremis” against the precautionary resolution issued by the highest court that ordered that the The Government will allocate 2.95% of the volume of co-participating taxes to the City of Buenos Aires.

The resolution of the Supreme Court was in response to a lawsuit filed by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta as a result of the redirection of funds determined in 2020 by the national Government based on an increase in the co-participating mass for the city of Buenos Aires that had been arranged during the administration of Mauricio Macri.

“It is not optional to abide by a ruling by the Justice, it is essential to live in society and in the rule of law. Abandoning these principles is the prelude to putting the Republic and democracy at stake. It is time to end impunity and privileges in Argentina”, concludes the text of Together for Change.

When announcing the decision to appeal the Court’s ruling, the Government indicated that it is “an unprecedented, incongruous, and impossible-to-enforce ruling” in which the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, “without establishing the manner in which builds said amount, decides to increase that percentage to 2.95”.

“In other words, it gives the City of Buenos Aires more than 180,000 million pesos in addition to what it already receives,” argued the Executive in the statement signed by the President and the governors.

Alberto Fernández indicated that the laws enacted by Congress “must be complied with” and added that the rule in question -on which the co-participation percentage currently in force is based- “has not been declared null or questioned in its constitutionality.”

In this context, former President Mauricio Macri expressed through social networks that “President Alberto Fernández ordered the failure to comply with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice” and affirmed that “there is no record in Argentine history of such serious ignorance of another power of the Condition”.

In addition, he stated that “the sentences are not discussed” but rather “they are fulfilled”, and opined that “disobedience of a Supreme Court sentence would destroy the legal continuity of the Nation and would expose us to anarchy”.

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