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President of Chile assures that Maduro faces a litmus test before the world

President of Chile assures that Maduro faces a litmus test before the world

SANTIAGO, CHILE – The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, stated on Tuesday that the regime Venezuela faces a “litmus test” before the world ahead of the July presidential elections, after “the worrying signals” it has sent regarding democratic guarantees for the opposition.

“The situation is complex. Venezuela has a litmus test in these elections. The world is watching, the world is paying attention” to what happens, the president said in a meeting with journalists from foreign media.

The majority of the Venezuelan opposition recently managed to align itself around the figure of the diplomat Edmundo González, who jumped into the ring after the disqualification from holding public office of the favorite in the polls, María Corina Machado.

“We will advocate at all levels because this is an election that meets all standards and is validated by impartial international observers,” Boric said.

But “there have obviously been signs that are worrying,” added the president, alluding to Machado’s case and the obstacles that prevented the registration of the candidacy of Corina Yoris, whom Machado had named as his successor.

“Constitutional guarantees”

Boric, who has previously criticized the performance of Maduro, He also stated that he hopes that the newly appointed opposition candidate can register without problems under the “constitutional guarantees” that allow him to compete on equal terms.

“Without giving an opinion on the details of internal politics or expressing preferences for one candidate or another, what corresponds to us from the international community is to push very firmly so that the democratic conditions of the election are respected,” emphasized the Chilean president. .

This Tuesday opposition parties formalized their support for the unitary candidacy of Edmundo González, on the brink of expiration of the deadline for the process.

Source: AFP

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