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presidential primary polls open until 7:00 p.m.

Trump appears before court in case over documents

MIAMI .- The Florida polls for the Republican Party presidential primaries will be open this Tuesday, March 19 until 7:00 pm.

Since Florida’s Presidential Primary is a closed election, only voters registered with the Republican party can vote for their preferred candidate, the Department of Elections stated.

Although the Republican candidates facing Donald Trump abandoned their respective campaigns, in addition to the former president, six names will appear on the ballots, Ryan L. Binkley, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki R. Haley, Asa Hutchinson and Vivek Ramaswamy. This fact is possible because the candidates did not submit their documents to make their official withdrawal. The expectation is that Trump will receive all or most of the 125 delegates at stake in Florida.

For their part, Democratic voters will not participate in these primaries because their party only registered current President Josep R. Biden as a candidate.

According to party rules, at the end of the primary process, party-appointed delegates will meet at national conventions to nominate the candidate. At the end of the national conventions, the parties present to the State the name of the presidential candidate who will represent them in the November general elections.

Republican voters who decide to vote this Tuesday, March 19, must bring identification with a photo and signature. This can be a driver’s license, U.S. passport, student ID card, or military ID.

Voters residing in the towns of South Miami and Surfside, regardless of their political affiliation, are also called to the polls this Tuesday to vote in two referendums. In South Miami they will have to cast their vote on a municipal real estate lease, while Surfside residents will elect their mayor and a commissioner to the local legislative body.

More than 55,000 voters have already cast their ballots in this election through mail-in voting or early voting.


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