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PRI announces coalition for electoral contest in Edomex

Eric Sevilla, president of the PRI State of Mexico. Photo: PRI

The president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the State of Mexico, Eric Sevillebefore young people announced that conjured up the Va por México coalition.

“They said that there would be no possibility of joining forces, there was a coalition in 2021 and their president tells them, in the next few days there will be a coalition for the governorship of the State of Mexico”, affirmed the PRI leader when taking protest to the new state leadership of Chavos Red.

In order to face the 2023 electoral process, the coalition between the Institutional Revolutionary parties, National Action (BREAD) and the Democratic Revolution (PRD) for the governorship of Mexico stateSevilla reported, making it clear that this year the Mexican entity will win.

He indicated that the creation of the Coordination for the Defense of the State of Mexico will serve to obtain an electoral platform and a strategy for the road ahead, as well as to defend the Mexican territory from a regime of occurrences that is based on a discourse of tricks.

“It is worth defending the State of Mexico from a regime of disabilities, we are going to fight with our faces held high to win the governorship, we are not cheating and we are going to give direction to the country with the mother of all battles,” said the leader partisan.

“To win on June 4, to defend our State of Mexico and do it forcefully, there is work, there is effort and there is a coordinator and it is called Alejandra Del Moral Vela”, sentenced the state leader.

In your participation, Patricio Bucardo Muñiz He highlighted the participation that young people have in the most important electoral process in history, “in the hands of young people, in the vote Mexican is the future of our generation”.

The outgoing state head of “Red Guys” Rafael Mendoza Colín, endorsed his love and support for Del Moral Vela, for paving the way for young people, for betting on the new generation and working tirelessly for youth.

“Our State needs us all, it is time to defend it and leave our soul on the field for the great challenge of this 2023 with the strength of youth we close ranks for the defense of the State of Mexico, it is time to show what it is made of the young priismo of the best State”, he emphasized.

The protest was attended by the first PRI member of Capulhuac, Casimiro Alvarado Díaz; the Federal deputy, Karla Ayala Villalobos; the national leader of the “Youth Network x Mexico”, Carlos Gutiérrez Mancilla; the national leader of “Popular Youth”, Idania García Salgado; the General Secretary of the CDE, Monserrath Sobreyra Santos and the state leader of the “Young People x Mexico Network”, Javier Barrios Vega.

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