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Price of GTA 6, the most expensive game in history

One of the most anticipated video games of 2023 is the new installment of Grand Theft Auto 6popularly known as GTA 6and finally they have begun to reveal more details of the delivery of Rockstar Games.

One of them is the possible premiere of the first trailer of the gta vi game and that the city in which it will be played will be Vice City. But it is not the only thing, there is new information about the video game that caused a lot of impact on the fans.

The information has circulated on web portals such as we are xbox that the price of GTA 6 It will be very high, thus entering the category of the most expensive games in all of history.

Budget to create the game GTA 6

GTA 6 had an investment of 2 billion dollars.

The idea of ​​the price of Grand Theft Auto 6 it was taken from the budget you had rock star Games in the creation of this installment of the video game that was between unot to two billion dollars.

The difference is quite high, since the videogame of GTA V from the developer was less, 265 million dollars, and the profits were abysmal. Managing to raise in three days the amount of 800 million and 1 billion.

How much does GTA VI cost on Xbox and PlayStation?

It is estimated that the price of GTA 6 for video game consoles it would be between 69.99 to 79.99 euros according to the portal extralife, about $1443.68 – $1649.95 Mexican pesos.

It may interest you: GTA 6: Hacker filters videos and images of the video game

When does GTA 6 come out in Mexico?

The GTA 6 video game will be released in 2024.

The possible release of GTA 6 in the Mexican country it would be until year 2024. As soon as an exact date is revealed, we will share it with you The Truth News.
In case you missed it, we tell you that Xbox revealed that it is losing the battle for video game consoles due to PlayStation and Nintendo.

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