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Prince Harry indicated that his brother physically assaulted him

After Prince Harry ceased to be part of the royal crown of the United Kingdom, many testimonies began to appear from him and his wife about what happens behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace. Now, in a book that narrates his life, a new story has appeared that tells of a physical encounter between him and his brother Guillermo.

This information came from a book written by Harry himself.

According to a preview shared by The Guardian, it all began in 2019, as the relationship between the brothers began to fall due to the differences that arose, after the prince of the United Kingdom began dating his current wife, Meghan. Harry pointed out that, in the middle of the discussion, Guillermo stated that his sister-in-law was “complicated, abrasive and rude”, in something that was described by Lady Di’s youngest son as “a repetition of what the media says”.

Little by little, things began to escalate and get out of control, until finally Guillermo grabbed his brother by the collar of his shirt, broke the necklace he was wearing and threw him to the ground, which resulted in Harry hurting his back. for a long time. “I fell into the dog water bowl which broke under my weight and bits of it stuck into my body. I was paralyzed for a moment and quickly got up and told him to leave my house,” said the prince of the United Kingdom.

The relationship between William and Harry is quite negative since 2019.

After this moment, Harry pointed out that his brother told him to hit him like when they were boys and, when he refused, Guillermo decided to leave, but before he apologized. “He looked sorry,” said the youngest son of King Carlos III.

The replacement

The work that the prince wrote is called “Replacement” and comes from an old saying in british monarchy about how the firstborn inherits the titles and power, while the second son is a replacement in case something happens to the first.

Lady Di with Harry and William.

In the book, Harry points out a story that supposedly happened when he was born and that is that his father, the current monarch, told his mother Lady Di: “Perfect, you gave me an heir and a replacement. My work here is finished.”

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