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Princess Anne resumes public activity after suffering a fall

Princess Anne resumes public activity after suffering a fall

LONDON.- The Princess Annesister of the king Carlos III, She resumed her public duties today – July 12 – after having been hospitalized at the end of June due to an accident with a horse, which caused head trauma and minor injuries.

Dressed in a grey suit and a dark hat, the 73-year-old daughter of Queen Elizabeth II attended a tournament in Gloucestershire organised by the Riding for the Disabled Association, an equestrian organisation that cares for people with disabilities. The princess will present the prizes to the winners.

Ana, a former high-level rider, has been the godmother of this association since 1971 and its president since 1986.

Princess Anne’s Engagements

It is the princess’s first public engagement since she was hospitalised on 23 June with what Buckingham Palace said were minor injuries and head trauma following an incident at her Gatcombe Park residence.

The princess, one of the most active members of the British royal family with hundreds of engagements each year, is very popular in England and was hospitalised for five days in Bristol.

The accident forced her to cancel her participation in the state banquet held at Buckingham Palace in late June in honour of the Japanese Emperor Naruhito and his wife, Empress Masako, as well as an official trip to Canada.

Source: AFP

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