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Profeco recommendations before buying butter

Profeco recommendations before buying butter

The Federal Consumer Attorney (Profeco) made a study where he determined the quality from different butter brands that are offered in the market, both in bars and spreads.

Among the tests carried out, it was verified that they complied with the percentage of ingredients according to the health legislationas well as its nutritional content.

In addition, Profeco determined which brands have a misleading labelingsince they are promoted as butter, when in fact they are not.

Profeco warns about misleading butter labeling

Some Butter Brands Are Unreliable

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth Newsthe Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (Profeco) protects and promotes consumer rights through mechanisms that promote legality and certainty in consumer relationships.

According to what was analyzed by Profeco, some brands contain vegetable fats or the one they use is not 100 percent cow, something required by Mexican legislation. Products like Lala or Alpura were considered butter.

Butters that are not butter:

  • Chipilo.
  • Select Brand
  • Select Brand without salt
  • Soriana

As part of the Profeco study, butters that are reduced in fat and whose proportion of said ingredient should not exceed 60 percent were also analyzed, hence they failed to comply with NOM-086-SSA1-1994. There were three stick products and one spread that did not go through said quality control.

Reduced-fat butters that did not meet the standards:

  • Glory (spreadable)
  • Glory (slash)
  • great value
  • The grandmother
  • What should you look for when buying butter, according to Profeco?
  • Check the expiration date.
  • The product must be refrigerated.
  • Choose the variety without salt if you have hypertension problems.
  • Check the saturated fat content.

It may interest you: Profeco: The most dangerous french fries brands for health

The moderate consumption of butter does not cause any counterproductive effect on health, the problem comes when it is done excessively or under certain circumstances. These products often contain cholesterol and saturated fat, which can affect people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.

When a person spreads butter in a pan, to make pancakes or eggs, they should avoid burning it, since it forms a toxic substance called acrolein, according to information provided by Profeco. Varieties with salt can also affect people who suffer from hypertension.

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