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Project Kuiper: Amazon with three different antennas for satellite internet

Amazon has shown three different antennas with which the satellite Internet planned as “Project Kuiper” will be implemented at customers. The different sized antennas offer different Internet speeds and should be able to be produced for less than 500 US dollars. Amazon has not yet announced end customer prices, but the service is not scheduled to go into operation until next year.

First of all, Amazon wants to send two satellite prototypes into space this year on the maiden flight of the new Vulcan Centaur rocket from United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. An exact launch date has not yet been announced, but mass production of the small satellites is expected to start by the end of 2023. The first launches of this batch are planned for the first half of 2024, with the Internet service then being available in the same year.

Three different antennas are to be available for reception, which Amazon has now presented at a satellite conference in Washington. The square standard model with a side length of almost 28 cm is about 2.5 cm thick and weighs about 2.3 kg. Internet speeds of up to 400 Mbit/s are to be achieved with this. Amazon wants to make this antenna model for less than $400 each.

In terms of price, Amazon is roughly on par with Starlink. SpaceX’s satellite internet currently costs around $500 once to purchase the hardware. Monthly fees are a little under $100. Bandwidths of up to 200 Mbit/s are available for this. Starlink also offers twice the speed for five times the price. It is not yet known how much Amazon will charge per month for its satellite Internet service.

The compact model of the Amazon antennas has an edge length of only 17.8 cm and weighs less than half a kilogram. Internet speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s should be possible with this. This portable model is according to Amazon intended for customers with a limited budget, but also for authorities and companies that want to connect devices of the Internet of Things (IoT).

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The largest antenna for Amazon’s highest-bandwidth satellite internet is about 19″ x 30″ and can reach speeds of up to one gigabit per second. This model was developed for large companies, government agencies and telecommunications providers that require more bandwidth than the other two variants offer.

All antenna models are based on a baseband chip codenamed “Prometheus” developed by Amazon. This should combine the performance of a 5G modem chip, as found in current smartphones, with the capabilities of a cellular base station that can process thousands of connections at the same time. The Prometheus chip will also be used in Amazon’s Internet satellites and in gateway antennas on Earth, where it will be able to process Internet traffic of up to one terabit per second.


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