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Promote sustainable awareness

Aura Hernandez

The new generations need to learn about sustainability issues in order to enjoy a better world, which is why BBVA Mexico partnered with Warner Bros. Discovery to launch a program that is part of its Aprendemos Juntos Kids initiative.

Enrique Cornish, director of Digital Marketing and Financial Education at BBVA Mexico, recalled that Aprendemos Juntos Kids is an educational project that began in 2018 with a series of audiovisual content that has accumulated more than 2 billion views, to which are added more than 7 million subscribers who follow these contents on social networks.

“In June 2022, this project became Aprendemos Juntos 2030, going global and starting a new phase of this initiative that reinforces and broadens BBVA’s commitment to sustainability,” he highlighted at a conference.

The latter because they decided to address issues related to the United Nations Organization’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly climate action and inclusive growth.

Irma Acosta, Director of Responsible Business and Sustainability at BBVA Mexico, added that all this is part of the efforts that the financial institution is making to face the new challenges. For example, BBVA was the first company to sign the Global Compact in Mexico in 2004.

the new program

Acosta and Cornish explained that the program Aprendemos Juntos Kids will be broadcast on Discovery Kids starting Saturday, February 25 at 7:30 am and will have 20 episodes in its first season.

To attract the new generations, it will have the actor Alfonso Herrera as a presenter and will be accompanied by two puppets, Beta and Mario.

Beta represents a 13-year-old teenager who comes from the future to tell how humanity was able to solve social and environmental challenges, which will help each chapter deal with topics such as water, diversity, nutrition, oceans and even the web. .

Without forgetting that the program will have sections such as I call who knows, I explain myself, That does not exist, It has magic, among others.

“Aprendemos Juntos Kids is undoubtedly relevant content for the new generations to take into account the importance of helping and being empathetic with people and our ecosystem. We are happy to join this effort”, added Vice President of Original Kids & Family Content and Production for Warner Bros. Discovery Latam, Jaime Jiménez.

Cornish commented that they are already in talks to make a second season, and the episodes of the first season will also be available on YouTube.

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