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Promote the presence of more women in the workplace

We know that the labor force does a great job in its daily work, as women and men we have the right to have the same job opportunities as in any field in which we develop”.

Fabiane Ferreira, BRZ Channel Account Manager & Chair women@work.

The participation of women in the workplace is a relevant issue today, and Lexmark Latin America is actively working to promote gender equality. Currently, 46% of the Lexmark Latin America workforce is made up of women, while globally the percentage is 41 percent. It should be noted that, in terms of management positions, Lexmark’s goal is to achieve 42% female participation, which is why they implement actions to increase this percentage.

One of the initiatives that Lexmark has implemented to promote the participation of women in the workplace is the Women@Work program, which aims to create a community of empowered professional women aware of their role in transforming their environment. Through conferences, development programs, forums, round tables, workshops, courses, and coaching, Women@Work seeks to support and motivate women at Lexmark to achieve their career goals.

One of the biggest challenges that Lexmark identifies on the issue of gender equality is to increase the interest, access and approach of women towards STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), since this will allow increasing the participation of women in the industry in general, including Lexmark. For this reason, the company is implementing support programs for women in technology at the school and university level, as well as collaborating with local external organizations and global initiatives in different locations, highlighted Fabiane Ferreira, BRZ Channel Account Manager & Chair Women@Work.

In the short and medium term, Lexmark is expected to continue with its Women@Work program, studying and promoting effective actions to empower and support current employees, as well as to increase the participation of women in the company. Each year the implemented actions will be evaluated and changes will be made if necessary, with the aim of achieving the objectives set for the year 2030.

Lexmark calls on society in general to promote gender equality in the workplace and urges other companies to provide support to each of their collaborators to promote the best practices of respect and inclusion within the sector, and to continue working in Promote and promote the development of women’s participation in the organization, placing them as a fundamental part of its success and growth.

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