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Prophecy: What brand of milk has the most fat? These 8 are good for the diet

Although there are various types of milk on the market, the whole presentation offers more nutrients and a high in healthy fatwhich serves to distribute fat-soluble vitamins throughout the body and on this occasion, the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (prophecy), recommends top 8 brandstake note!

In The Truth News We want to tell you that if you want to maintain a healthy life, it is important that you include some portions of seasonal fruit and vegetables in your diet, in addition to devoting at least 15 minutes a day to outdoor sports or physical activity such as walking or cycling. .

We recently revealed to you which is the best vegetable oil for cooking, but now we tell you that eating fried foods in excess can put your health at risk, since they increase the chances of suffering from heart disease, affecting the intestinal flora and causing diarrhea. or stomach pain.

These 8 brands of milk are high in fat

Profeco reveals that Monarca milk has high levels of healthy fat. Photo:

On this occasion, the analyzes applied by the Attorney General’s Office focused on the content of healthy fats per 250 milliliters of product and compliance with the standards specified in the official regulations, for which reason only these brands are recommended:

  • Monarch: 7.80 grams.
  • 19 Brothers: 7.80 grams.
  • Querétaro: 7.80 grams.
  • Red Seal: 8.05 grams.
  • Liconsa: 8.43 grams.
  • Whole Organic Lala: 8.55 grams.
  • Lala: 9.05 grams.

On the other hand, consuming this type of product in small portions due to its fat content helps improve hormone synthesis processes, improves nerve impulse performance, and is a great source of energy because it provides 9 kilocalories per gram. , in addition to having antibacterial and antitumor action.

It may interest you: Profeco: What brand of cat food is bad? Avoid these 2 brands.

What happens if a person drinks a lot of milk?

Excess consumption of this substance is counterproductive, since it can generate a certain sensitivity to lactose, causing bloating, nausea and acne due to hormones, as well as various digestive problems such as severe diarrhea and gas, so it is recommended to reduce rations to a minimum if any of these symptoms occur.

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